'Teacher, mentor, activist, friend... fair and democratic, soft-spoken yet upright in his values, a booming voice that rather than supressing anyone else's - encouraged his peers, his students, family and friends to speak their minds'... these are some of the words that have been used to describe my father, Mr. Rama Rao Suresh, retired reader of Economics from Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
He lived his life embracing a million hardships with compassion and love, rejoicing and finding fun in the mundane, in little things and routines...
He was blessed with a brilliant mind and academic prowess, had the ability to take personal problems in his stride and fight social injustice with passionate zeal... he interspersed the pearls of his immense wisdom, packaged in witty one liners and sweet homeopathic pills... ever so softly and always with a beaming smile...
His was a world in which everyone had the scope to grow and become the best version of themselves...
I will miss him every day for the rest of my life... may his spirit continue to nourish us and nudge us forward...

Link to the recording of the online memorial service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmJROsmvQ7o

Democratic Teachers' Front mourns the sudden and shocking demise of one of its tallest leader Comrade R R Suresh who passed away at 10 pm of July 18, 2021, after a cardiac arrest. Comrade Suresh was a legendary teacher of Economics at Ramjas College from where he retired in 2005 after an illustrious career of more than 4 decades. Along with luminaries like Zahoor Siddiqui and Ved Gupta, R R Suresh was one of the founding members of DTF in 1979: thus creating a platform for the Left-leaning, progressive, secular minds of the University to come together for the strengthening of the teachers' movement in the University of Delhi. He was the first elected member to the Executive Council from the DTF and held that position for two terms: 1985-87 and 1987-89. In the turbulent decade of the 1980s, when the Delhi University Teachers' Association got national acclaim for spearheading some of the finest and the most decisive movements for University teachers in the country, R R Suresh was one of the key figures of the movement who led from the front through his fierce commitment to the trade union politics and academic arguments. A lasting image of the long, protracted struggles of DUTA in the 1980s was Suresh preparing the press releases, DUTA statements and the documents on a rickety typewriter in the old DUTA office without getting perturbed by the din and the crowd around: an image immortalised in collective memory rather than being archived in photographs!
A man who became a household name for DU teachers across generations, R R Suresh was conspicuous by his humility and a wry sense of humour despite his stature as a teacher and an activist. It's not enough to say that he was a popular teacher: his lasting contribution to the academic world lies in producing brilliant and progressive students who themselves would join the University as teachers and become part of the democratic movement. Suresh's greatness as a scholar and an intellectual was in his ability to explain the most complex concepts of Marxist politics and economics in the simplest of language to make it accessible to all: not just students and teachers of his own discipline but more importantly for those of other subjects. As a firebrand trade union leader, Suresh embodied values of democracy, pluralism and an impeccable honesty which made him the most respected across teachers irrespective of their political affiliation.
To our generation of Left activists who came to know R R Suresh in late 1990s and more closely as a colleague in early 2000s, he was a mentor, friend, philosopher and guide. He never let age came between him and us and would regale us with his pervasive wit and academic rigour at the same time! As a very young activist campaigning with him in one of the DU elections, Suresh made me envious by his popularity among women teachers in particular, who would just swoon at his erudition and repartee!
Suresh taught us the value of public funded education and the need to nurture it as an instrument of social transformation. He left us really impoverished at a time when the assault on higher education is at its maximum. However it is his vivacity, zest for life and the ability to inspire even at the worst crisis which should stay with us in our ongoing struggle against the anti-people policies of the current Fascist Government.
Dear Comrade, you will be missed! More power to you, wherever you are, to change the world, the way you have done it all your life!
Red Salute to Comrade R R Suresh! ✊🏼✊🏼🤝🏼🤝🏼
Prof Rudrashish
Democratic Teachers' Front, Delhi
Saluting the life of RR Suresh, teacher and human being par excellence, who died yesterday after a prolonged illness. Numerous generations of Economics students at Ramjas College will remember him for his erudition, courage of conviction and quirky sense of humour.
As a young lecturer fresh out of my Masters, I found a space in the Department of Economics at #ramjascollege to hone my teaching skills under his tall yet unobtrusive presence. His refreshing way of treating students and younger colleagues as equals encouraged us to live up to his belief in us. I realize that it is to him that I owe much of my approach to my profession and the people in it.
As I bid him goodbye, I carry in my heart fond memories of the annual excursions we took our students to, his crazy sense of humour and his terrible puns. And from much earlier in my childhood, I remember his infinite patience in teaching me origami, and dispensing homeopathic medicines and good cheer in equal measure.
Go well, Rao kaka. You will be missed by so many people whose lives you touched with your unique personality!
Prof Asmita Kabra
Ambedkar University, Delhi
I would certainly like to join. I am not very techno savvy, shall make efforts . Otherwise I will approach you for help.
He shall remain embedded on the history of Delhi University, students of Ramjas who adored him, colleagues across the University who admired him. His deeds define him and speak volumes of his contribution to the life of his cohorts.
Celebrity culture apart he is a celebrity in my eyes and that of many others like me. Any one , in whatever capacity came close to Suresh was impressed by his versatile persona.
My obeisance to Rama Rao Suresh.
Prof Hari Om Verma
Retired from Ramjas College, Delhi University
A very close relationship of shared work and commitments enters a new phase and would continue to be felt and assert itself as his numerous friends would carry forward the mashaal. A few days ago, I saw the spark in his eyes but his body was refusing to be with him.
A real human being, the way he self-studied homeopathy and would go all out to be of use to anyone who needed support. He regularly spent his evenings for a long period in the prime of his youth with a classmate/friend struggling to fight a severe disability.
No, Suresh, I just cannot call back the Suresh with whom I spent some of our active moments sharing so much.
He instilled the home truth of political economy in the minds and hearts of so many.
Yes, Suresh, you would always remain in our midst. Good bye for the moment, Suresh.
Prof. K N Kabra
IIPA and Delhi University
Very sad to learn of Suresh's passing away. He was quite an institution. We had lots of differences, but he was a very straight forward person. In the 1982, 109 days long strike, which got us our first promotion, we used to take Atishi, who was then just about one and a half year old, to dharna everyday and Suresh used to be so good at origami that he would make so many things with paper that pleasantly surprised all of us. After that strike, while most teachers had rested and relaxed, the activists were very tired and had to do immediate and extra teaching.., Suresh gave us all homeopathic medicines to get over our tiredness. He was subsequently elected to the EC and was articulate about views strongly largely within the DTF political frame work. but occasionally out of it too. One could always relate to him and be friends, notwithstanding differences. we met him after a long time about two years ago and could still relate to him as we could decades earlier. He was also a very dedicated teacher and his students loved him. He was a straightforward and very humanistic in everything. He'll be remembered and missed.
Prof. Tripta Wahi
Delhi University
Heartfelt condolences. RIP RR Suresh!
It is difficult not to not miss him, but the fact that he is there in our hearts is reassuring his love and camaraderie.
An erudite academic and lovingly teacher, he never used to miss his PJs in discussions. Was his neighbour at Sahyog once, will never forget his surprise visits to our place.
Used to have long discussions on Weber and Marx, and on his book Economy and Society. And at the end, Weber, I learnt from him, didn't have much answers to Marxian questions. He used to tell that, instead of Weber, I may get some answers to Marx's questions in Adam Smith.
He used to believe in a humane and just society. His activism laid down the foundation for teacher's rights and for a more democratic space in our college and DUTA as well. Along with Kumaresh da, Badri, zahoor sb, and several other teachers, he led the teachers movement at Delhi University in 1970s and 80s, and played crucial role in transforming University, particularly colleges, into a liberal space where teachers can discuss anything and everything of the universe, including universe, without fear and trepidation. A trade unionist to the core, he never bowed down to power-over, unlike the contrary these days.
He blurred the distinction between colleague and friend, a rarity nowadays. He was always there with us and will remain with us.
As a friend, philosopher, guide and colleague, you will be missed Suresh!
विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि
Prof Tanvir Aeijaz
Ramjas College, Delhi University
बहुत ही दुखद।एक बेहतरीन शिक्षक और बहुत ही संवेदनशील इंसान हमेशा दूसरों का हर तरह का ख्याल रखने वाला फर्स्ट ह्यूमन फिर कुछ और के गुण वाला बेहतरीन साथी हम सबको छोड़ चला गया।विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि
Prof. Amar Deo Sharma
Ex DUTA President
Suresh was a widely respected teacher, a dear friend and a valued colleague. I know him as a co teacher in the same department for last forty years and a very dear friend and a most indulgent neighbour since my retirement ten years ago. My first meeting with Suresh goes back to early eighties when I first went to his old house at Mayur Vihar as an additional examiner of the paper he set as Head examiner. I was immediately struck by his warmth and camaraderie towards the younger colleagues. I still remember vividly the beauty and poise of Sita who later became a good friend. Theirs is an open house, welcoming all and sundry at all odd hours, always greeted by warm smiles and home-made goodies. He was a fantastic homeopathic doctor , always ready to help with some cure or the other for all kinds of ailments. His smiling face is deeply etched in my inner heart , never to be erased! As a matter of fact, it's very difficult and almost heartbreaking for me to use past tense for him! Rest in power, Suresh! A big salute!! My tremendous appreciation for his two daughters chhutki and Chhottu for the way they looked after him so lovingly in the last few months. We are all with you, beta! All celebrating his life, not mourning!
Prof. Bratati Pande
Delhi University
अपने बड़े भाई जैसे दोस्त सुरेश के सम्मान में हिंदी के एक बड़े कवि की कविता विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि के साथ लिख रही हूँ जो लगता है उन्हीं के लिए लिखी गई हो :
Prof. Rekha Awasthi
Delhi University
Popular teacher with firm grip over his subject, teacher activist who made considerable contribution in strengthening DUTA as a fighting organization, Marxist by conviction, an incurable democrat in his interaction with his students and friends, totally free from hypocrisy and a dependable friend, Suresh will be greatly missed and missed intensely.
Prof Yogesh Puri
Retired from Kirori Mal College,

Delhi University
Suresh was special in so many ways. But most importantly he didn't care a fig for hierarchy in an environment that was/is essentially herirarchical. Younger colleagues in colleges like Ramjas will never know perhaps how the likes of RR Suresh created the conditions for their freedom and sense of equality.
Prof. Debraj Mookerjee
Department of English,

Ramjas College
सुरेश तुम बहुत दिनों तक याद रहोगे । फ़ोटो देखकर तुम्हारे साथ बिताया वक़्त ताज़ा हो जाता है । बिना दुराव छिपाव के तुम्हारा जीवन बीता ।
Prof. P. S. Negi
Department of Hindi, Delhi University
The end of an era. Such an amazing personality and love of fun. Deepest condolences to all those who were close to him.
Prof. Sumangala Damodaran
Ambedkar University, Delhi
Sad to hear about the passing away of my colleague and dear friend Suresh.
Suresh was the best and I will always cherish the memory of the times spent with this rare human.
Prof. Sudhakar Singh
Ramjas College, Delhi University
A wonderful comrade and human being. Learned lot of politics of DU from him in my initial years. My sincere condolences.
Bhupinder Chaudhry
Associate Professor , Delhi University
.........no words to say... Yes.. I know him almost from 1982...six months after my joining Dyal Singh college.. Met all three Raos... What I mean all three brothers..teaching in various colleges.. Goodbye...
Chamarthi Sadasiva
Retired from Dyal singh college,

Delhi University
He was indeed a towering yet gentle presence in our lives. His booming voice held no ill will. Ramjas Staffroom was not the same without him.
Benu Mohanlal
Ramjas college, Delhi University
Wonderful and a fabulous human being. A mentor, a friend who would always stand with me. Salute to you sir. Will always be missed 🙏🙏
Sonia Goel
Associate Professor at Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Sir was my teacher in life and not just in the classrooms of Ramjas. He was a father figure to me… I learned so much from him… from the dialectics of Hegel and Marx to how relaxing making aloo sabzi and paratha first thing in the morning and copious amounts of tea throughout the day are meant to be to how one could be inimitably open-minded, welcoming, warm, and loving as person… he was and is an inspiring father (and grandfather) who is and always will be a role model for me.
Prof. Jayant V Ganguli
Department of Economics,

University of Essex
I remember approaching Suresh Sir a couple of days before the Systems paper with some of the questions that had "leaked" and he had advised me to focus on what he had discussed in class. And, lo and behold, he was on the mark!
He had turned that subject into such an interesting one that one keeps thinking of him whenever you think of those issues.
Sidhartha Srivastava
The Times of India
I’m still looking for the right words…
Department trips were such a highlight because of his presence… Go well, Sir… 🙁
Anirban Basu

Still remember the classes during our days . We scribbled and scribbled not wanting to miss out anything he said. Rest in peace sir and May God give strength to the family and all who associated with him.
Gaurav Singh

RIP Suresh Sir. You classes on Economic Systems were amongst the best in the entire Delhi University.
Harsh Vivek

I just close my eyes and I can hear his calm voice and his sense of humour, I can feel that ever calm nature and his humility. He taught us much more than economics and I cherish those memories.
Irshad Muttur
RRS’s distinguished tenure at the Department of Economics at Ramjas College would have left small and big takeaways for each of us who were his students. For many of us, the ideal of a teacher and his commitment stem from his qualities as a person and the clarity of thought as an academic. In fact, one of the many sources of pride for us was our ability to attract students from other colleges who took various classes with us. Chief amongst the courses that attracted students was the course taught by RRS – Economic Systems. In fact, even our notes from his class stood the test of currency with it being in demand across colleges. I remember taking time out to fair out my notes from class and this clean version did the rounds among various people. I stopped sharing it only after a classmate’s dog decided the notes were also very tasty and took a bite out of it … but that’s another story.
A lot has already been written about RRS – very movingly so. I see the friend’s, the colleague’s, the family member’s perspectives. I write to share what I guess can be seen as a student’s perspective – one of being human, and, willing to stand and being counted when it matters.
I used to study with students from two other DU colleges for our, then annual, exams. We’d solve the past 10 years question papers together. As the Economic Systems exam loomed on the horizon in our 3rd year, we learned that the Economic Systems paper was leaked - one could get a copy for Rs. 30,000. 25-odd years ago it was a rather large sum of money. Equally importantly, I had learned a lot in RRS’s course, and this just felt completely the wrong way to put that to use.
Armed with my dog eared (and dog eaten) notes from RRS’s classes I went to take the exam and found to my surprise a cyclostyled question paper in blue rather than the nicely published question papers in white that we’d usually get. The question paper was complete – had all the marks, date, was bilingual, and in the expected format. The questions felt vaguely familiar as if I had heard them before and more challenging than the questions in our 10 years past papers. There was focus on the transition debate around the move from a feudal economic system to capitalism - something that RRS spent a good amount of time on. I focussed on writing my answers and getting the exam done.
On my way back on the U-Special I learned from others that this in fact had NOT been the leaked paper. Stories on the leaked paper flew fast and furious without any social media! My favourite was the one where it was rumoured that RRS heard the news, and then quietly went and bought a version of the leaked question paper. On seeing that the leak was real, he went ahead and re-wrote the entire exam, put it in the exam format, cyclostyled it so as not to alert the publishing unit that had leaked the exam in the first place and worked quietly through the DU Examination system to ensure that the cyclostyled question papers made it to each exam centre. Not only did this nullify the leak, but it also reposed trust in the students who believed in the system – a system wide boost for being honest!
We approached RRS after the exam season was over to verify this story – he kept bobbing his head and gave us that lovely enigmatic smile of his. While he never confirmed anything, I never heard him deny being the man of action behind taking on the Examination Leak mafia either! In fact, many of us who took the exam that year were convinced that RRS was instrumental in the dynamism that DU displayed – an entity hardly known for being responsive. Quietly, working behind the scenes, not taking credit, and ensuring that the institution functions under various challenges is a quality that made him peerless as a teacher and his commitment to education, infinite.
There are many life's lessons that RRS leaves behind. The cool, calm and collected way that RRS engaged with his life’s challenges, professionally and personally have always left a strong imprint in my mind. Thankfully, RRS has left behind a little bit of himself in his wonderfully succinct book titled “Economy and Society: Evolution of Capitalism” – a way for us to return to his wonderful lectures even as he is no more with us.
Prof Arnab Mukherji
Center for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
It often takes time to realise and relish the impact people make on you. And when I go back over 2 decades to the time we spent in Ramjas...I realise what a huge part of our memories suresh sir was. More than the academic that he was, I would remember his easy going and unassuming style that put everyone at ease..non judgmental, treating students just out of school as equals easily made him the most loved and affable teacher. Many of us have had the fortune of enjoying his company over chai smokes and stuff on those memorable trips, listening to his crazy limericks ...and know what a cool guy suresh sir was...a true teacher who taught beyond the courses assigned..
Abhay Singh
Max Bupa Health Insurance
Economics faculty of Ramjas was well-known in DU becoz of presence of RR Suresh Sir. Please come back again as a teacher of Economics sir.It often takes time to realise and relish the impact people make on you. And when I go back over 2 decades to the time we spent in Ramjas...I realise what a huge part of our memories suresh sir was. More than the academic that he was, I would remember his easy going and unassuming style that put everyone at ease..non judgmental, treating students just out of school as equals easily made him the most loved and affable teacher. Many of us have had the fortune of enjoying his company over chai smokes and stuff on those memorable trips, listening to his crazy limericks ...and know what a cool guy suresh sir was...a true teacher who taught beyond the courses assigned..
Sanjeev Jain
I can’t believe that suresh uncle is no more. He was a big influence in my life growing up. So many memories cross my mind as I think of his smiling face, his sense of humor and his simple fondness for potatoes😀. He was one of the most progressive and free thinking minds. He was a great teacher and taught me economics more as a discussion than just as a syllabus. He explained the complexities of Marxist economics in the most lucid language. He was humble, simple but very popular as a teacher and of course because of his activism and leadership in the 80’s in DU. He will be missed for so many things. Every time I would reach Sahyog, first thing, I would go to see Suresh uncle. In so many years nothing changed. Now, I will still go to see him but he will not be there! Thank you Suresh uncle for touching our lives. Love and hugs.
Veenu Puri

I feel so good to think that I knew Suresh Bhaiyya. As a teen I had a lot of questions. (maybe skepticism). That was the time when he entered the family. I found him so composed, level headed and logical that he had an instant appeal to me. Fun to be with, easy to connect with and at the same time brilliant and knowledgeable. As I grew in age and maturity, I saw the best part of him - non judgemental, complete acceptance of people and situations, large heartedness to name a few. Otherwise who would have Aarti and her friends stay in their house, cook for them and remain unaffected if one of the friends decided not to eat !! What a rich life he led !!! He must have touched so many lives. Will miss him for sure but grateful to the almighty that I spend some time with such a wonderful human being. Suresh Bhaiyya brings in a picture of a smiling face with ‘ Kaise Ho’
Nagraj and Aartu feel the same about Bhaiyya. May he bring cheer to many in the other world.
Vasu Nagraj
It was so shocking to hear that Suresh uncle is no more . He has been an integral part of our family from DU activism, Marxist ideology to homeopathy. My visit to Sahyog would never be complete without meeting Suresh uncle and all of you . Every time I met him I learnt something new. He was indeed a great teacher, philosopher and a noble soul. I still remember he would very fondly listen to my complaints about parenting and with his great sense of humour always give a positive spin to it and advise that let children think freely. Suresh uncle indeed you will be missed deeply . Thank you for always being there for us . Lots of prayers 🙏🙏🙏
Mridul Kaushal
RBC Royal Bank of Canada-Investments
Dear Suresh Uncle
Thank you for being a blessing and touching my life.
You were the real medicine all along.
Of the many things you taught me by action- you role modeled paying attention with your warm presence - to anyone who entered your world - with an open heart and an open mind - be it a child or adult. You pour your secure warm attention on them. Your openness, your flexible curiousity.
This is something I try to carry forth from you - this gift you gave me.
I know in my heart that your door is always open for me. And that till we meet again - When I will find you sitting in the corner chair with a goofy warm hearted grin and your sparkling alive eyes - inquiring about my wings with boiled peanuts.
Laal laal gaal uncle and a salut to you !
With lots of love to you and all who you touched in this moment of change.
Ruchir Gatha

This site is a memorial for my father, Mr. Rama Rao Suresh, Retired Reader in Economics. It is a work in progress...
Please feel free to correct me if I have put some information wrong, or if you'd like to add anything. You can write to me at raoshweta1978@gmail.com